Summer Fete & Winter Fair

The next summer fete is on 29th June 2024! 


Come and join us  – entry via the Community Room


(bring cash or card to purchase food, buy raffle tickets, play games and much more)

We need volunteers!  – please see Classlist, Parentmail/School Newsletter and class WhatsApp groups for the link to sign up to help us at the fete!  We need as many adult volunteers as possible.  Children from Years 5&6 are also welcome to volunteer on the games stall.

Please also keep an eye out for details of when we are collecting donations for the stalls.

We are already collecting new or as new items for the Tombola (gift sets, toiletries, food, drink etc), as well clean milk bottle tops.  Please leave these donations in the labelled plastic box in the school office entrance.

We are not ready to receive the following yet, but please start saving:
-Teddy bears (clean and in good condition) for our teddy tombola
-Pre loved toys and books, PE kit and book bags for our second hand stall

We will also be looking for donations of cakes/bakes and salads on the day.

Additionally, if you or your business could donate a prize for the main raffle please contact us by email:

(The Winter Fair is usually held one Saturday afternoon in late November/early December – further details will be released on Classlist closer to the time.)