Events and Activities

Here are some examples of our events and activities. Not all events are listed so look out for alerts via ParentMail and from your class parent via Classlist for upcoming events!

  • The Welcome Picnic: For new families to connect at the start of term (usually third Friday in September)
  • Summer Fete: Held in June or July each year, with stalls, games, food, raffles. Announcements sent out via Classlist and ParentMail.
  • Christmas cards: The school participates in the ‘Design a Christmas Card’ project run by Cauliflower cards. Details will be sent out in the Autumn term, with orders usually placed at the beginning of November.
  • Christmas trees: Place your order online in November and collect your tree in early December.
  • Winter Fair/Christmas Bazaar: Held in November or December each year, with stalls, games, food, raffles and a chance to meet Santa. Announcements sent out via Classlist and ParentMail.
  • Morley Fun Run: Our spring sporting event, usually held at Nightingale Rec.
  • FoM AGM: watch out for announcements on Classlist.